Challenge 93 : Carton d'oeufs - Egg carton

Un carton d'oeufs, vide bien sûr. Les quelques oeufs de nos poules qui ont échappés aux gâteaux maison attendent leur tour dans le frigo. Les cartons sont utilisés uniquement pour en offrir à des amis.

An egg carton, empty of course. The few eggs of our hens which have avoided the home made cakes await their turn in the refrigerator . The carton are only used to offer some of them to friends.


Anastasia a dit…
great shadow work - looks very realistic!!
caseytoussaint a dit…
Nice work - it's definitely more difficult empty!
Anonyme a dit…
Lovely painting! You managed to make these repetitive shapes look so realistic - and easy - which I'm sure it wasn't!
Sue Seibert a dit…
Oh, I really like this. Great job!
Linda a dit…
Yikes -- I bet that was difficult to do, but you did it very well. I still am envious of that fact that you have your own chickens.
Anonyme a dit…
je découvre l'ensemble de votre travail. Que de progrés pour le plaisir des yeux ! continuez BRAVO