
Collage: 100cm x 100cm

Pour un devoir de l'école, Julien, mon fils ainé, devait décorer un mètre carré. Nous avons décidé de faire un collage et de dessiner une girafe. Toute la famille s'y est mise: chercher des couleurs dans les magasines, déchirer et puis coller.

Mise à jour du 12 avril: Julien a remporté le premier prix!

For a home work, Julien, my oldest son, had to decorate one square meter. We decided to make a collage and to draw a giraffe. All the family members worked together: seek colors in magazines, to tear them and then stick them.

Update April 12: Julien won the first prize!


Alison a dit…
This must have been a fun family activity. We have such a collage (of an owl) which is now 15 years old and I still have a fabric one from my childhood.
Anastasia a dit…
This is great - bright and cheerful colours !
Sue Seibert a dit…
What a great job of a great idea!! I really like it!
Linda a dit…
Great collage! I really like that the whole family helped, too -- that makes it even more special.