Challenge #36: dessiner en public

Ces challenges me poussent à me dépasser; je n'avais encore jamais dessiné en public. L'expérience était intéressante. J'avais un peu peur au début, mais, au fur et à mesure, j'ai pris confiance. Le dessin n'était pas trop mauvais et presque personne ne faisait attention à moi. Le soleil brillait et j'ai pris du bon temps.

J'ai dessiné un batiment typique de Louvain-La-Neuve: la bibliothèque de la place des Sciences.

These challenges push my limits; it is the first time I have drawn in public. The experiment was interesting. I was a little bit afraid at the beginning, but, progressively, I took confidence. The drawing was not too bad and almost nobody paid attention to me. The sun was shining and I had good time.

This is a typical building of
Louvain-La-Neuve. It is a very strange city. Due to linguistic and political reasons, it is a new town developed from 1968 in order to provide a home for the French University. Most of the building have the same look. But, what I really like, it is a city that was build to take into account the cars. When you walk in the city, you see nearly no road for the cars. The roads and the park places are around and under the city! You can walk everywhere and kids can play safely. 


Linda a dit…
Laurent -- beautifully done!
Nita Van Zandt a dit…
Very nice! Congratulations on gaining confidence!
Teri a dit…
Laurent, it is beautiful! And thanks for the little commentary.
Felicity Grace a dit…
This looks very polished and relaxed for an outdoor drawing - very nice.
Anonyme a dit…
Laurent, I just found your wonderful blog and love your work. Not only your work but your sight is from one of my favorte places france. I live in the states and been journaling for about a year and a half. Its helped so much for my life. I'm self taught and still strugling along with my work(I'm my worst enemy when it comes to my work) I thank all of the art bloggers that are helping me with there art and ideas. I live in a area that doent have journaling art classes. And the art classes are to much for me at this time.
Have a wonderful day and email and tell me all about you and your country its nice to make new friends.
Laurent Peters a dit…
Thank you for your comments.
Linda, do you have a blog,a website or an email address?
Lindsay a dit…
What a great idea the city planners had! I love your drawing. I'm always amazed when I draw in public that no one is asking for my artistic lincense, as Danny Gregory says! Glad you are liberated to draw in public now!