Vu le succès de mes bonnes résolutions de 2005, j'ai pris plein de bonnes résolutions pour 2006. Est-ce que vous devinez quelle bonne résolution représente ce dessin (de mes chaussures de jogging)? Pour l'instant, il fait froid et noir le soir. Ce sera difficile de s'y tenir en ce début d'année, alors qu'il y a plein d'autres choses intéressantes à faire, comme dessiner, par exemple.
Considering the success of my resolutions for 2005, I took a lot of resolutions for 2006. Do you guess which resolution represents this drawing (my shoes of jogging)? For the moment, evenings are cold and black. It is difficult to follow it in this beginning of year, whereas there are full of other interesting things to do, like drawing, for example.
Considering the success of my resolutions for 2005, I took a lot of resolutions for 2006. Do you guess which resolution represents this drawing (my shoes of jogging)? For the moment, evenings are cold and black. It is difficult to follow it in this beginning of year, whereas there are full of other interesting things to do, like drawing, for example.