Challenge #39: ma brosse à dent

Cela me paraîssait simple, trop simple. J'étais trop confiant et mon premier dessin était vraiment trop nul. J'ai dû en refaire un deuxième avant d'être satisfait.

That appeared simple to me, too simple. I was too trustful and my first drawing was really bad. I had to redraw another one to be satisfied.


Felicity Grace a dit…
Wow, what a toothbrush, it's like a space rocket! Very nice use of colour.
Anonyme a dit…
Wonderful drawing Laurent! So detailed. I like the colors too.
Linda a dit…
wow -- that IS a great toothbrush! Isn't it funny that something so ordinary can be so challenging!
Terri a dit…
I think this is an excellent drawing Laurent! Your shading and use of colour is very well done. I enjoy seeing your always draw beautifully. :o)
pedalpower a dit…
You did a wonderful job (as always)-sometimes the most familiar things turn out to be harder. I wonder if that is because we think we know what they look like, and so don't look as carefully at first?
Anonyme a dit…
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Love your toothbrush...the colors again are tres belle...and I am not drawing mine...I have the same toothbrush...I LOVE your watercolors...that is what they are isnt it?