Accordéon: challenge #17

Je viens de m'inscrire au groupe de discussion lié au site "Everyday Matters" de Danny Gregory. C'est ce 'blog' qui m'a insité à commencer le dessin, il y a un an. Chaque semaine, un challenge y est lancé. Challenge de la semaine, dessiner un instrument de musique.
Il s'agit de l'accordéon que le Papy de Julien lui a donné. Il adore les instruments de musique et les collectionne, en attendant de pouvoir y jouer.


Jim Bumgarner a dit…
Laurent, I've searched through your blog and looked at all your drawings and love them all. I particularly like your clean lines and colors. All very spectacular. Welcome to the club!

Find me at:

Sketches and Stuff
u l a n a dit…
Hallo! My name is ian (my nick on the web is ulan). I'm also on the everydaymatters group.

Just wanted to welcome you to the group. I like your drawing very much!

-- ian :-)
Jim Bumgarner a dit…
by the way, the accordion is very well done. It's not an instrument found in much American music anymore, but I love the way the Europeans have kept it alive. I've enjoyed your blog very much and I hope you don't mind, I've linked to it from my site listed in my previous comment.
Dawn a dit…
Wonderful drawing! I love the colors too. My uncle played accordian. Seeing yours brought him vividly to my mind. Thank you.
Ramesh Gandhi a dit…
These drawings are wonderful - I'm so glad you have joined the Everyday Matters group.
Laurent Peters a dit…
Thank you for your comments. It is always good to see that other people like your drawings.
Shelly McC a dit…
I too took a thorough tour of your blog and loved looking at your drawings. They are wonderful. Es. the graphite landscape, beautiful work.
Linda a dit…
Laurent, I've enjoyed looking through your blog. You do beautiful work. I will have to return to your site to practice my french! (Je parle un peu de le Francais, mais pas bien. -- Did I say that right?) :-)
Lindsay a dit…
I too love your drawing. The rhythm in the drawing evokes musical rhythms.