Laurent dessine et s'amuse toujours!

Après quelques mois d'inactivité pendant les vacances, ce blog reprend enfin vie. Certains d'entre vous se sont déjà inquiétés. Rassurez-vous, tout va bien et j'ai continué à m'amuser et à dessiner.

After a few month of inactivity, during the holidays, this blog is alive again. Some of you already got worried. Don't worry, I'm fine and I continued having a good time and drawing.



laserone_ a dit…
I love this. I really like the colors used. :)
Anita Davies a dit…
Nice fresh colours...Welcome back!
Laurent Peters a dit…
For the colors, I used colored ink that I just had received. I have drawn these ink bottles together with the Rotring rapidographs I received the same day.

I also like the colors and I should use them more, even if I only have a limited number of colors.
Anonyme a dit…
Rebienvenue ! C'est rassurant de vous relire.
E-J a dit…
Such a simple drawing, and I love it - especially the colourful, splodgy shadows (comment dirait-on "splodgy" en français? Je n'ai aucune idée!)