En attendant mon vol, dans le vieil et historique aéroport de Tempelhof. Une petite heure d'attente, qui passe tellement vite quand je dessine. Je n'ai même pas le temps de terminer mon dessin.
Vous remarquerez que l'avion a atterri entre le dessin de la première fenêtre et celui de la deuxième. Vous pouvez voir la queue de l'appareil à travers cette deuxième fenêtre alors qu'il n'apparaît pas dans la première!
While waiting for my flight, in the old and historical airport of Tempelhof. A small hour of waiting, which passes so much quickly when I draw. I do not even have time to finish my drawing.
You will notice that the plane landed between the drawing of the first window and the one of the second window. You can see the tail of the plane through this second window whereas it does not appear in the first.!
While waiting for my flight, in the old and historical airport of Tempelhof. A small hour of waiting, which passes so much quickly when I draw. I do not even have time to finish my drawing.
You will notice that the plane landed between the drawing of the first window and the one of the second window. You can see the tail of the plane through this second window whereas it does not appear in the first.!