Exposition- Exhibition

Je suis tout content: plusieurs de mes dessins sont présentés à une exposition à Ittre. Il s'agit d'une exposition collective des participants des ateliers hebdomadaires de dessins. Depuis que mes dessins sont bien encadrés et bien exposés, j'ai l'impression de les redécouvrir. Si vous passez par Ittre avant la fin de l'année, n'hésitez pas à venir faire un petit tour dans la maison communale.

I am so excited: several of my drawings are presented at an exhibition in our village. It is a collective exhibition of all the participants to the weekly drawing workshops. Since the are nicely framed and exposed, I have the impression to rediscover my drawings.


Anonyme a dit…

Sue Seibert a dit…
Congratulations! That is wonderful!! Good for you!!
Linda a dit…
Laurent -- congratulations! (sorry to be a bit late with this - my internet connection has not been working well) Were any of your pieces for sale at this exhibit?
Laurent Peters a dit…
No my drawings are (not yet) for sales. I do not have enough drawings, and each drawings is unique. I want to keep them. I am not yet ready to sell them, even if a lot of people already asked to buy some of them.
Anastasia a dit…
Congratulations thats so wonderful!!!
all the best with the exhibit!
pedalpower a dit…
Wonderful...congratulations on your exhibit!