Challenge 96: sucrerie - sweet

Pour ce challenge de la semaine du 6 décembre, comment ne pas dessiner un 'Speculoos' représentant Saint Nicolas. Tous les enfants - et ex-enfants- de Belgique savent de quoi je parle, mais voici quelques explications pour les autres. Saint Nicolas est attendu avec impatience par tous les enfants en Belgique le 6 décembre, car il leur apporte plein de cadeaux et de sucreries. Parmi ces sucreries, les très typiques Speculoos; ce sont des biscuits traditionnel belges, typique de cette période de l'année, confectionné à partir de cassonade (un sucre brun et granuleux) et représentant Saint Nicolas.

For this challenge of the week of December 6, how not to draw a “Speculoos” representing a St Nicholas. All children - and ex-children - of Belgium know what I mean, but here some explanations for the others. St Nicholas is awaited impatiently by all children in Belgium on December 6, because he brings them lots of gifts and sweets. Among these sweets, the very typical Speculaas; they are Belgian traditional biscuits, typical of this period of the year, made from brown and granulous sugar and representing St Nicholas.


Anonyme a dit…
Hi. Good drawing, this is really what speculaas looks like. It is also really common in the netherlands too. Especially around five December, or "Sinterklaas". Have you tried it on bread? Really nice.
suzanne cabrera a dit…
Very nice! Thank you for sharing the story of it as well.
Great looks real!
Anonyme a dit…
This is nice Laurent. It looks very real. I love speculoos as well.
Anonyme a dit…
Hello, there! Lovely job on the shadowing! Cheers! Mary Ellen