Challenge 91: Apple

J'ai voulu illustrer ce que signifie vraiment 'haut comme trois pommes'. Alors, j'ai ajouté aux pommes une règle. A la fin du dessin, je n'ai cependant pas eu envie de rajouter tous les détails de la règle. Mais, pour satisfaire votre curiosité, j peux vous dire que 'Haut comme trois pommes' correspond à 17,5 cm.

In french, there is an expression which says 'Haut comme trois pommes' - High as 3 apples. It is used to designate a small child. So, in order to illustrate how much 'high as 3 apples means', I added a ruler near the apples before drawing them. But at the end of the drawing, I did not want to add all the details of the ruler. (For your information, these 3 apples are 17,5 cm, or 6.9 in, high).


Tres belle...jolie pomme...hmm did i say that right...well I LOVE the washes of color
caseytoussaint a dit…
Magnifique, comme d'hab...
Jules a dit…
These are so lovely and vibrant
Carole a dit…
I love the translucence of these, and the delicate colours - they look really fresh and appealing. Nice work.
Michael Emerald a dit…
This is my favorite so far, of all that i've seen. It's got design, is well painted (drawn?) and has much artistic appeal. Best of all, it inspires me to put some of that composition into further drawings of my own. Merci beaucoup, mon ami!
Anonyme a dit…
Wicked awesome! I love the work and enjoy reading both the fr and eng. :) Art and culture all in one place. :) Cheers! Mary Ellen
clearart a dit…
It is beautiful.
I like soft touch.
I was able to enjoy your text together.
Anonyme a dit…
Toujours de tres belles couleurs, Laurent! J'avais oublié cette expression!
hfm a dit…
Elles sont belles vos pommes!
This is such a beautiful painting. The middle apple is absolute perfection.
Unknown a dit…
17,5 cm ?
Rocco Sifredi reste donc indétrônable !
Tiens, .... cela pourrait donner une autre idée de challenge non ?
Anonyme a dit…
mon favori...
le même dans ma cuisine t'en penses quoi???
