
aquarelle - watercolor 25x33cm


Shelly McC a dit…
Wow! Stunning!
Linda a dit…
Lovely peppers -- especially wonderful highlights!
Sue Seibert a dit…
Oh, wow, I love these. They really POP!!
Anonyme a dit…
Again at home I am happy to look at your watercolours - they really look good!

Felicity Grace a dit…
Your artwork is outstanding, it just gets better and better!
Alison a dit…
beautiful chillies - you have captured the shape, the shine and the shadows so perfectly -hot - hot chillies
Anonyme a dit…
Etes-vous en vacances? Pourquoi ce silence? On s'ennuie!
Laurent Peters a dit…
Les vacances, plus d'Internet à la maison, le beau temps - tout une série de mauvaises excuses pour ne plus rien poster sur ce site!
Merci pour votre soutien et merci de me rappeler à l'ordre.

Holidays, no Internet at home, good weather - a lot of bad excuses for not posting any picture on this site! Thank you for your support and thank you to reminding me to draw more and post more on this site.