Challenge 67: quelque chose de maman - something mom

Ma mère est décédée il y a 20 ans, tout au début de ma vie d'adulte. Il me reste d'elle des souvenirs d'une enfance heureuse et quelques photos dans un vieil album, que je n'avais plus ouvert depuis longtemps.

My mother died 20 years ago, at the beginning of my adult life. She left me memories of a happy childhood and some photographs in an old album, which I had not opened for a long time.


Sue Seibert a dit…
Today is a day of memory...Memorial Day here in US. What a wonderful memory painting you did!
_nb_ a dit…
I admire your courage. My mom has been gone for 14 years, and when I saw the weekly challenge, I just decided that's not the one I can participate in.
You feeling is there. It doesn't have to be perfect.