Challenge #62: redessiner avec un autre medium

Challenge de la semaine: redessiner un challenge avec un nouveau medium. Voici la bouche que j'avais dessiné pour le challenge 53 à l'aquarelle. C'est amusant de comparer les différences entre les deux dessins.

Quelle version préférez-vous?

Challenge of the week: to redraw a previous challenge with a new medium. Here is the mouth which I had drawn for challenge 53 with watercolors. It is amusing to compare the differences between the two drawings.

Which version do you prefer?


Anonyme a dit…
Laurent, I can't decide, I like them equally for different reasons. The recent one is very photorealistic, however I like the artistic quality of the watercolor one as well. Wonderful job on both.
Robyn a dit…
Both of your versions of the mouth a beautifully executed, as I would expect from you. If I had to choose, however, I think that I prefer the original. It has a more painterly quality to it.

Scratches & Scribbles
Ramesh Gandhi a dit…
It's impossible to choose. I like this one a lot though - it looks so real, so fleshy. Palpable.
Marilyn a dit…
What a beautiful mouth!
Linda a dit…
I love them both! I'm most impressed with the watercolor version though, because I think that skin is so difficult to render in watercolor.
Sue Seibert a dit…
Laurent, this is nice...don't know which I like the best, however.
Jan Allsopp a dit…
Fantastic. I love them both, although I too prefer the watercolour one. I think it is only because the 'unfamilliar' pastel drawing has a more self conscious feel, which is too be expected if you are unfamilliar with the media. Love your blog! Beautiful work.