Challenge 60: dessiner une voiture

Je suis certain d'une chose: je préfère dessiner la voiture que la conduire.

Without any doubt, I prefer to draw my car than drive it.


Anonyme a dit…
I very much enjoyed the drawing of your car and I can identify with your statement that you would rather draw it than drive it!

Please continue drawing - you are a natural!

I'd like to link to your site if I may - it is quite enjoyable!
Alanna Beckwith a dit…
Ah oui, c'est tres belle. Pour moi, aussi, je pense que c'est difficile a dessiner une voiture (et aussi pour ecrire en francais.)

I felt the need to comment in french! Anyway, I think it looks great.
good work. I've been avoiding this challenge, but maybe I'll get around to it eventually!
Teri a dit…
Great pencil work to make the car look so great..
Anonyme a dit…
Your drawing is wonderful.. I hope I can do as well in drawing my own car.
Robyn a dit…
What a wonderful drawing of your car, Laurent.

Scratches & Scribbles
Anastasia a dit…
Looks great!! almost like a fuzzy photo - very nice!
Felicity Grace a dit…
Great drawing! It's a French car too isn't it?
Laurent Peters a dit…
Felicity, you are an expert in cars! It is indeed a french car.
Sue Seibert a dit…
You car is wonderful. So much movement.
Willie Baronet a dit…
Laurent, thanks for your comment. We all have different styles, no? Vive la difference! Have a great day!
TheTart a dit…
U draw very well.

The Tart
Anonyme a dit…
J'aimerai bien fair autant!

Anonyme a dit…
Très beau dessin, très bonne technique
en un mot WOUAA

Je dessine aussi un peu Vous pouvez voir mes dessins sur mon blog

et récement je me suis filmer entrain de dessiner une voiture