Avant ce challenge, je n?avais quasiment jamais fait attention à la poignée de cette porte. Elle ouvre la porte de la cave. C?est sans aucun doute la poignée la plus ancienne de la maison et elle est sans doute aussi plus vieille que la maison. En la dessinant, je me suis rendu compte de sa beauté: elle est toute sculptée et patinée par le temps. Après 12 ans dans cette maison, je pensais pourtant la connaître de fond en comble.
Before this challenge, I had almost never paid attention to this door knob. It opens the door of the cellar. It is without any doubt the oldest handle of the house and it is undoubtedly older than the house. While drawing it, I realized its beauty: it is carved and patinated by time. After 12 years in this house, I thought I knew it completely, and this challenge proved me that I was wrong.
Before this challenge, I had almost never paid attention to this door knob. It opens the door of the cellar. It is without any doubt the oldest handle of the house and it is undoubtedly older than the house. While drawing it, I realized its beauty: it is carved and patinated by time. After 12 years in this house, I thought I knew it completely, and this challenge proved me that I was wrong.
Scratches & Scribbles