Challenge #42: quelque chose dont je suis reconnaissant

Challenge de la semaine, dessiner quelque chose dont je suis reconnaissant. Au début, je pensais dessiner ma famille, mais je n'étais pas convaincu par le dessin. Et puis, j'ai reçu un coup de fil de mon médecin, et j'ai changé d'avis. Mon médecin m'annonçait que le résultat de mon check-up de santé - le seul et unique que j'ai jamais passé - était parfait. Pas le moindre problème. Alors j'ai voulu montrer que je suis reconnaissant pour la bonne santé de toute ma famille. Aucune grosse maladie. En début d'année, mon épouse a eu quelques problèmes plus sérieux, mais elle est maintenant complètement guérie. A part quelques rhumes et maux de gorges, les enfants n'ont rien.

Voici donc notre pharmacie familiale, remplie uniquement de médicaments pour maux de gorge, rhumes et petites blessures.

Challenge of the week, draw something I am thankful for. At the beginning, I thought of drawing my family, but I was not convinced by the drawing. And then, I received a phone call from my doctor, and I changed my mind. My doctor announced to me that the result of my check-up of health - the only and single one that I ever passed - was perfect. Not the least problem. Then I wanted to show that I am thankful for the good health of all my small family. No large disease. At the beginning of the year, my wife had more serious problems, but she is now completely cured. Besides some colds, the children do not have anything.

Here is thus our family pharmacy, only filled of drugs colds and small wounds.


Linda a dit…
Well said! What a wonderful thing to be able to be thankful for!
Nita Van Zandt a dit…
I love the bright colors, reflecting the fun jumble of less serious medical items for only the occasional hurts of life.
Anonyme a dit…
I enjoyed seeing all your art. The colours are cheerful. I'll be back.
Teri a dit…
Amen! Without our health and all those (colorful) drugs to ensure it, where would we be.
Terri a dit…
Here's to continuing good health! This is a great drawing. I like the detail and colour. It also has a simplicity of style which is charming. Well done. :o)
Felicity Grace a dit…
Lovely colours and details! I hope you don't think I am copying as I have something similar in mind (but not started yet!)
Unknown a dit…
I think you chose the most perfect thing to be thankful for! I like the drawing/colors.
This is a wonderful drawing - I love the whole idea of it. I look forward to your next entry!
Jim Bumgarner a dit…
Laurent, I find your art inspiring and have linked to you from my site at "Sketches and Stuff." Keep posting these wonderful images as many of us enjoy them very much.
Nelly a dit…
Now who wouldda thought of that! Good idea and great drawing. Have a healthy holiday and new year!