Challenge #38: Toussaint

Je me rappelle, quand j'étais petit, nous allions toujours en famille sur les différentes tombes où une personne proche était enterrée. Avec le temps, je ne le pratique plus, même si je le regrette parfois. En réalisant ce dessin, je me suis rendu compte que mes enfants ne sont quasiment jamais allés dans un cimetière, ils ne savent pas ce que signifie la Toussaint, et connaissent mieux Halloween. Il faut dire qu'Halloween a été fort poussé dans notre pays ces dernières années, principalement pour des raisons commerciales.

Pour le challenge de la semaine, je suis donc allé avec Marie, ma fille, dessiner dans le cimetière du village, où la Toussaint se préparait petit à petit. Certaines tombes étaient bien fleuries par des chrysanthèmes, d'autres tombes n'avaient aucune fleur, alors Marie est aller en fleurir elle-même, avec des fleurs récupérées.

Le soleil brillait, le cimetière était calme, mais pas vide, et nous y avons passé du bon temps à dessiner. Ce dessin n'est sûrement pas un des mes meilleurs, mais j'ai pris beaucoup de plaisir.

I remember, when I was a kid, that we always went in family on the various tombs where a close person was buried. With time, I do not practise it any more, even if I regret it sometimes. While I was drawing, I realized that my children almost never went in a cemetery,they do not know what All Saints' day mean, and know Halloween better. It (Halloween was extremely pushed in our country these last years, mainly for commercial reasons).

For the challenge of the week, I went with Marie, my daughter, to draw in the cemetery of our village, where All Saints' day prepared gradually. Certain tombs were well flowered by chrysanthemums, other tombs did not have any flower, then Marie decided to flower them herself with recovered flowers.

The sun was shining, the cemetery was calm, but not empty, and we passed a good time drawing. This drawing is surely not one of my best, but I enjoyed doing it.


Robyn a dit…
Well done, Laurent, for reminding the young about the traditions of our ceremonies instead of the commercialism. It is a shame that it isn't done more often.

I enjoyed your drawing reminder of the day and Marie's is wonderful, too. I am sure that she will remember the day with fondness.

Sydney, Australia
Scratches & Scribbles
Teri a dit…
Laurent, that is a lovely sharing with your daughter and I love the sketch.
"Maggie & Kevin" a dit…
This is a beautiful illustration and the tombstones are unique. Thank you for sharing your story. I too have often visited the cemetery with my family to see where all our lineage have been buried. I try to go there whenever I am home. I always see it as a peaceful place.
Lindsay a dit…
I have been wanting to draw in our community cemetery for awhile. You inspire me to go! I love your drawings and your daughter's is sweet.