Challenge #34: une feuille morte

Aquarelle 13x19cm

Les arbres n'ont pas encore revêtus leurs couleurs de saison. Depuis une semaine, je cherche un arbre aux feuilles qui m'inspirent. Pas facile à trouver. Mais j'ai fini par repérer un arbre, sur le trajet de mon travail, qui a les feuilles étrangement rouges. Il doit avoir une maladie quelconque, parce que ses voisins, de la même espèce, ont les feuilles complètement vertes.

The trees have not yet their colors of season. Since one week, I am seeking a tree with the leaves that inspire me. Not easy to find. But I ended up locating a tree, on the way of my work, which has the leaves curiously red. It must have some kind of disease, because its neighbors, of the same species, have the leaves completely green.


Teri a dit…
What a beautiful job!
Anonyme a dit…
Very nice, well composed. Nice job.

Robyn a dit…
In our front garden is a liquid amber tree which always seems to be out of touch with those in our neighbours' yards. It looses its leaves 2 or three weeks after all of the others in autumn and is that much behind them in getting new leaves in spring.

I enjoyed yor drawing of the autumn leaves very much.
Terri a dit…
Beautifully composed and drawn Laurent. Well done.
Anonyme a dit…
Oh those are so beautiful! What a lovely peaceful painting
pedalpower a dit…
Such a pretty drawing!
Felicity Grace a dit…
Well, they are beautiful even if they are diseased!
Linda a dit…
Laurent, this is beautiful, as always! What a lovely clear red, too.