Challenge #33: un oeil

Fusain 22cmx15cm

Challenge difficile cette semaine: je n'ai pas l'habitude de dessiner les visages humain et l'oeil est sans doute la partie la plus délicate et la plus expressive. L'expression est d'ailleurs mal rendue, j'ai essayé de dessiner le doux regard de ma petite fille...

Difficult challenge this week: I am not used to draw the faces and the eye is undoubtedly the most delicate and most expressive part. The expression is in fact not well rendered; I tried to draw the soft glance of my small daughter...


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very nice job.

Lindsay a dit…
Wow! What a great drawing.
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Great job!
Felicity Grace a dit…
Wow - great expression!
Linda a dit…
Laurent, this is beautifully rendered and so expressive!
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your work is beautiful. I really enjoy looking at your blog.
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this is fantastic!
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Yes I can see how it is not well rendered. I interpreted it to be an older gentleman not a young girl. I wonder what you could change to render it better.
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Really wonderful work. I live in Pittsburgh Pa and I,m finding all these so wondrful art blogs. I self taught and want to thank you for the great work that we can look at. The classes were I live are either to expensive or to far so I thought I'd give it a go on my own. Like I said it,s work like yours and others that really inspire me when I'm not having a great day. Nice to meat you and have a great day, for me hear its so cold no snow ye t but this should come soon,
Your friend,
Terri a dit…
You met the challenge beautifully Laurent! There is a very intense expression in this eye. Well done. Wonderful work.