A la manière de Paul Madonna

Récemment, Danny Gregory m'a fait découvrir Paul Madonna. Ses dessins me plaisent énormément. Cela m'a inspiré et j'ai décidé de dessiner notre plafond, sujet que Paul Madonna utilise souvent et de le dessiner à sa manière.

Recently, Danny Gregory made me discover Paul Madonna. I really like his work. It inspired me and I decided to draw our ceiling, one of the favorite theme of Paul Madonna, and to draw it his way.


Nita Van Zandt a dit…
Lovely! Especially the subtle shadings of . . . is it sepia ink?
afaw a dit…
Really looks great! Thanks for sharing.

(EDM group)
Laurent Peters a dit…
Thank you for your comments.

The drawing was done with my Staedler Pigment liner pen and with Pelikan sepia ink.
Anonyme a dit…
Wonderful drawing Laurent!. Love the monochromatic color and you made me to try that too. That pelikan sepia ink, is that waterproof?
Anonyme a dit…
sorry...add "want" between "me" and "to" in my comment above...then the sentence will make more sense. :)
Anonyme a dit…
The monochromatic scheme is really lovely and subtle, Laurent. What a tranquil view.