18cm x 10cm : Encre sépia et marqueur sur papier aquarelle
Voici une vue de notre maison et des maisons voisine. La disposition des maisons dans cette partie du village est vraiment bizarre. La route principale fait un double virage serré et les maisons s'organisent autour de cette route. De plus, la notre est en retrait par rapport aux autres. Vraiment bizarre. J'ai toujours été curieux de savoir pourquoi les maisons et la route sont placées ainsi, mais je n'ai jamais eu d'explications.
Here a sight of our house and houses in our neighbourhood. The provision of the houses in this part of the village is really odd. The road makes a double tight turn and the houses are organized around this road. Moreover, our house is farther from the road compared to the others. Really odd. I was always curious to know why the houses and the road are placed like that, but I never had any explanation.
I don't know if I should add some colors, I think I don't feel confident enough to do it. If I add an 'undo' button I could try to do it and undo my changes if necessary. But I do not draw on a computer ;-) and is always difficult to decide when to stop working on a drawing.
I just use my pen, that I hold horizontaly to find the correct angle that I try to report on my drawing.
This drawing is however, less than perfect and if you compare it with the real sight you can find many differences!