Souvenir de Vannes

Encore un souvenir de Bretagne, dessiné d'après une photo.

Another souvenir of Britain, drawn from a photo.


mARTa a dit…
je aime beaucoup votre dessines! I speak little french and write it poorly.sorry. I enjoyed my visit to your blog and your sketches are lovely. I especially like the little boy reading.
Great drawing, as is the previous one from Berlin. I agree, sketching in company of other people is hard, I prefer to be alone when I sketch...
caseytoussaint a dit…
What a lovely watercolor - I love the colors, the warm stone against the cool blue sky. Well done.
hfm a dit…
Et ce qu'il est beau!
Jenny a dit…
I love the colors and composition of this one. Of course, I love all of your work ... just took my second trip through your files on Flickr.
Anonyme a dit…
Marrant! J'étais justement à Vannes ce week-end et je n'en avais jamais entendu parlé avant. Superbe endroit... et excellentes crêpes!
mrana a dit…
Absolutely lovely!
Steph a dit…
Très beau dessin!
Linda a dit…
Beautiful! The sunlit stone is perfectly done!